Who: Legintech SAS is a French company specialized on personal data lawyers and legal software and legal design.
What: The challenge was to rebuild the original website and rebrand it.
When: it was a freelance project from 2022 to 2024. The website implementation plus the development lasted 3 months.
How: we used Miro and scrum methodology to create and cocreate the website needs and messages, then we used paper prototyping and low fidelity. Then we used Figma to create high and final prototypes. The website was then coded with Visual Studio Code 4 and the blog is powered with WordPress.
1. Seo, Flow chart and architecture information.
2. Concept creation:
3. Low fidelity wireframing, watch in detail: https://www.figma.com/design/gxmv6eq0xtgdZzFZJD5c1w/Legintech-website?node-id=252-9455&t=6qsvN3BjxzBlALJ9-1
3. Wireframing : Se more detailed: https://www.figma.com/design/gxmv6eq0xtgdZzFZJD5c1w/Legintech-website?node-id=252-9455&t=6qsvN3BjxzBlALJ9-1
4. Final product:
5. Its responsive too!
6. Check out the real website : https://legintech.com/
Team Legintech SAS :
CEO. Daniel Quintero.
Web Developer: Patricia Mendoza.
Creative Director : Angela Maria Zuluaga.
Colombia — España–Francia